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Poetry / Story Writing Contest
கதை / கவிதைப் போட்டி
In English and Tamil


Entry No: 


English Story

Love belongs to everyone. Each individual have freedom to love a person or a thing. It is not that the term LOVE only meant for a boy- girl relationships. It belongs to family, friendship, relatives and so on.. let's experience the love in friendship. When we love our favourite person or best friend and when they leave us it's not that the love we kept for them ends. It is not the end but the beginning. For me pure love starts when we care for our favourite person, when we pray for them daily , cherishing memories and cry for them when they are not around us. Experience the love even when they are not ours.

Friendship/Relationship ends but not the love that we have ends. Experience the love when we cry for them. When we hear our favourite person name somewhere just lit the moment and experience it. Life is like a lesson and love is like a experience; lesson and experience makes a best pair. Love yourself ,love the person you love the most till your last breath. It is not required that you have to show or explain them how much you love them rather show to yourself how much care you have on them more than you care for yourself. It is also called pure love.
When we love someone truly we don't even think about our self. Don't overthink and make a bad image of your favourite person instead make a good image and experience it. Always keep in mind that your are loved by them and cared once. Write about them daily in your heart and feel that, your heart really feels proud that you loved and loving a person even when they are not around us. Don't make your favourite person as enemy and hate them. Our mind makes plan to hate them but our heart protect from these evils. Listen to your heart always. Hate is just a word but love is an emotion.
If they hurt you, don’t hurt them back rather double the love for them.


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