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Ragi and wheat steamed veg Bao buns

# வாக்குகள்:


To make the Bao buns, add warm cow's milk, yeast, oil, salt and palm sugar and whisk well. Add the wheat flour, ragi flour and knead to a soft dough. Cover it with a wet cloth for 1 hour for it to rise. Meanwhile prep the steamer. After one hour, roll the dough and cut into a round shape with a cookie cutter. Grease it with oil and fold it into half and press the dough slightly. Prepare the buns similarly and drop them in the steamer and steam for 7-10 minutes.

For the veg filling:
Take a bowl and add the sliced paneer, julienne carrots, zucchini, capsicum, salt and schezwan sauce and toss it well.

To serve, take the steamed Bao bun, spread some schezwan sauce inside and stuff the prepared paneer and veg filling inside. Garnish with some sliced onions, coriander leaves, sesame and Kalonji seeds. Healthy and super delicious Ragi and wheat steamed veg Bao buns are ready to be served.


For the Bao buns:
Wheat flour-2 cups
Ragi flour -1/3 cup
Yeast- 5g
Cow's milk- 1 cup
Palm sugar-1 tsp
Salt-to taste
Olive oil- 1/4 cup
For the filling:
Julienne carrot, capsicum, zucchini -1 cup
Sliced paneer - 200g
Schezwan sauce-1cup
Sliced onions, Coriander leaves, kalonji seeds and sesame seeds for garnishing.

Kolothsavam 2020

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Zingy Veggie Parcel

# வாக்குகள்:


Zingy Veggie Parcel:

Mix some whole wheat flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and curd.
Add water little by little to make a soft dough and keep it aside.
In a mixer grinder jar take some cashew nuts and add water and soak for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes drain off the water and add 3 cloves of garlic, lemon juice and salt.
Grind for 30 seconds and add some little water. Grind on high speed for 30 seconds.
Keep this veggie healthy mayonnaise aside.
In a hot pan add two teaspoon olive oil. Add 1 chopped onion and cook for 5 minutes.
Add 1 small chopped tomato and mash it with a masher and add some chilli powder.
After 10 minutes add the prepared veggie healthy mayonnaise and add about 3 tablespoons of water, salt and cook for 3 minutes.
After 3 minutes add some boiled sweet corn, raw paneer and cook for about 3 minutes.
After 3 minutes add oregano and allow this stuffing to cool down.
Take a small portion of the dough; roll it into a circle; fold the edges to form a triangle.
Take some stuffing and place it in the middle of the triangle.
Fold the edges of triangle to the center.
Preheat your oven at 190 degree Celsius for 10 minutes.
Bake the Zingy parcel for 12 to 15 minutes.
YUMMY!!!! Zingy parcel is ready!!!


Wheat flour, Paneer, Curd, Chilli powder, Salt, Tomato, Lemon, Garlic, Onion, Boiled corn, Baking powder, Baking Soda, Water, Cashew nuts, Olive oil, Oregano.

Kolothsavam 2020

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Ragi (finger millet) Taco with Tofu filling

# வாக்குகள்:


Tofu filling:
• Grate or make a paste with ginger and garlic
• Finely chop onion
• Heat a small non-stick pot with olive oil, sauté chopped onion, ginger and garlic paste.
• Once the onion, ginger and garlic have sweat well, they will turn translucent and become soft.
• Crumble tofu with your hands and add it to the pan along with sweet corn and all the spices.
• Add salt to your taste (I have only added a pinch of salt as with all spices and tofu etc. it doesn’t need to have much salt).
• Mix well and fry for 4-5 mins.
For the Pico de gallo:
• Finely chop all the ingredients apart from the lime.
• Mix all the chopped ingredients with a pinch of salt and lime juice.
• Let the lime juice and salt work their magic for a couple of mins then the refreshing Pico de gallo is ready to use.
For the Avocado dressing:
• Halve the avocado and remove the stone, then scoop the creamy goodness into a blender.
• Add a peeled clove of garlic, a snapped green chilli, juice from the lime and a pinch of salt.
• Blend it all well until smooth and creamy.
For the Ragi Taco:
• Take the Ragi flour in a large bowl and pour in one cup of boiling water.
• Mix with a spoon as it will be very hot as you have just added boiling water, slowly it will start to look like crumbly dough.
• Knead briefly until smooth, then cut equally into six and roll out each piece into small round balls.
• There are several methods to make the dough balls into a round tortilla: 1) you can place it in a banana leaf or a non-stick film and press it with your hands until it is spread into a round-shaped tortilla. 2) Use a traditional Mexican taco presser or Indian style roti maker to press the dough. 3) Place the dough between two sheets of cling film and roll it into a round tortilla.
• Heat a large non-stick frying pan, without oil, and cook the tortillas one at a time for a minute on one side and about 10 seconds on the other, until you see them puff up a little.
Finishing off:
Place a ragi tortilla, fill it with some tofu filling, add some Pico de gallo, top with shredded red cabbage and drizzle avocado dressing, then finally scatter the coriander leaves. Enjoy the creamy, zingy, crunchy, tangy and refreshing taco…. Don’t forget to keep a napkin by your side as it can get messy😊


• 150g Ragi Flour (finger millet flour)
Tofu filling:
• 1/2 of large banana shallot/red onion
• 100g organic Tofu
• 75g sweetcorn
• 2 cloves garlic
• ½ inch ginger
• Handful coriander leaves
• ½ tsp turmeric
• ½ tsp red chilli powder
• ½ tsp coriander powder
• ½ tsp cumin powder
• ½ tsp garam masala
• 1 tsp olive oil
Pico de gallo:
• 10 baby plum tomatoes or 1-2 normal tomatoes (I used baby plum as it has a unique natural sweetness to it which gives the dish a lovely honied note)
• 1/2 of large banana shallot/red onion
• 1 green chilli
• Handful coriander leaves
• ½ lime
• Pinch of salt
Avocado dressing:
• 1 avocado
• 1 lime
• 1 green chilli
• 1 clove of garlic
• Pinch of salt
Other toppings:
• Small wedge of red cabbage
• Few coriander leaves

Kolothsavam 2020

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Stuffed Romano Peppers with Bulgur wheat served with rocket and walnut salad

# வாக்குகள்:


For the Bulgur wheat filling:
• Grate or make a paste with ginger and garlic.
• Finely chop the onion, green chilli and tomatoes.
• Heat a small non-stick pot with a few drops of olive oil, sauté the chopped onion, ginger and garlic paste.
• Once the onion, ginger and garlic have sweat well, they will turn translucent and become soft.
• Add the chopped green chilli and tomato, let them sweat a little.
• Add bulgur wheat and the veg stock, bring it to boiling point then simmer the flame and cover it with a lid. (You may have noticed that there is no salt in this dish. The saltiness from the veg stock is just enough so no need to add any extra).
• Let the bulgur wheat cook on a low flame for about 10mins. Once cooked turn off the heat and let it rest for 5mins.
• Once the bulgur wheat is ready add freshly chopped coriander leaves and mix well.

Stuffed Peppers:
• Halve the Romano pepper and place it on a baking sheet.
• Put it under the grill for a couple of mins so that the pepper is cooked slightly.
• Now fill the pepper with bulgur wheat filling.
• Spread the grated cheese. (Cheese is a great source of calcium, protein and other vitamins such as vitamin A and B12. Although it has fats in it, a small of amount of cheese is not bad for health).
• Finally, place the filled peppers under a grill until the cheese is melted and golden brown.

Salad and Balsamic glaze:
• Toss the rocket leaves and extra virgin olive oil in a bowl.
• Crush the walnuts with the palm of your hands and add it to the rocket.
• Bring the balsamic vinegar to boil in a small pot and then simmer for 5mins. It will reduce by 1/3 and continue to thicken when its cooled (The quantity mentioned for this recipe is the quantity needed for this dish but it’s easy to make the glaze in large quantities i.e. 100-200ml and store it for future use so that you can use it on salads, caramelised onions etc.).

Finishing off:
Drizzle balsamic glaze in a zig-zag pattern, little dots or love hearts …whatever you fancy 😊. Spread the rocket and walnut salad. Finally, carefully place the grilled stuffed Romano peppers on the rocket. Enjoy the sweet and smokey stuffed Romano with a peppery and nutty rocket salad and a sweet, tangy note from the balsamic glaze.


• 1 large Romano pepper
• 100g bulgur wheat
• 2 cloves garlic
• ½ inch ginger
• 1 green chilli
• 1 banana shallot or 1 small onion
• Handful of baby plum tomatoes (can use one normal tomato)
• 125ml vegetable stock (I make my stock with celery, carrots, onions etc and store them in the freezer whenever I have time so that I can make dishes like this. You can also use shop-bought veg gel stock pots or cubes.)
• Handful of coriander leaves
• 25g grated cheddar (medium strength cheddar works well but you can use any cheese that melts and bubbles well)
• 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
• 2 tsp balsamic vinegar
• Couple of handfuls of rocket leaf
• Handful of walnuts

Kolothsavam 2020

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Veg Ramen with Grilled Tofu

# வாக்குகள்:


For the miso broth:
• Grate the ginger, then chop 2 spring onions and one green chilli.
• Heat a pan with a couple of drops of sesame oil then put it in the ginger, spring onion and chilli. Let them soften a little.
• Now pour in the veg stock, add one tsp soya sauce,1 tsp miso paste and around 300ml of water. Bring to a gentle simmer, cover and leave it to bubble for 5-10 mins. I like gingery bits in my broth so I leave them but if you would like to have a clear broth, strain it into a clean pan and discard everything left in the strainer.
You may have noticed that I haven’t used any salt in this dish, because the saltiness from the soya sauce and veg stock is sufficient for a delicious flavour.
For grilled Tofu:
• Grate or make a paste with ginger and garlic.
• Cut the tofu into flat rectangular chunks.
• Marinade the tofu for about 30 mins with ginger, garlic,1 tsp soya sauce and 1 tsp sesame oil (you can leave it marinated for longer but leave it for a minimum of 30 mins).
• Heat a griddle pan or normal flat pan, then grill the tofu for about 2 mins on each side.
Other elements:
• Drop the soba noodles into a pot of boiling water and let it boil for about 10 mins. Once cooked, drain the water out using a strainer.
• Grate a carrot
• Slice the remaining spring onions
• Slice the red chillies
• Slice and fry the mushrooms in a pan for a couple of mins until it’s cooked
• Make thin ribbons of the Nori sheet
Please note: The toppings/elements you can use in a Ramen are endless. You can use pak choy/bok choy, shitake mushrooms, wild mushrooms, bean sprouts etc. etc. etc…. You can mix and match a variety of toppings of your choice.
Finishing off:
Place the noodles in a large soup bowl then pour in the boiling hot miso broth. Now carefully place all of the other elements (grated carrots, sliced chillies, sliced spring onion, grilled tofu, fried mushrooms and nori ribbons). Finally, sprinkle with black and white sesame seeds. Enjoy the wholesome, gingery and spicy, yet refreshing ramen with all the freshness and sweetness from carrots, spring onions and nori. Furthermore, there is plenty of umami flavour coming from the miso and mushrooms. I and my family love having this on a cold wintery day.😊


• 200g soba noodles (buckwheat noodles)
• 100g tofu (firm variety)
• 2 clove garlic
• 1-inch ginger
• 2 green chilli
• 2-3 spring onions
• 1 tsp miso paste
• 125ml vegetable stock (I make my stock with celery, carrots, onions, etc. and store them in the freezer whenever I have time so that I can make dishes like this. You can also use shop-bought veg gel stock pots or cubes.)
• Handful of coriander leaves
• 1 tsp sesame oil
• 2 tsp soya sauce
• 4-5 button mushrooms
• 1 carrot
• 1 red chilli
• ½ tsp white sesame
• ½ tsp black sesame
• 1 nori sheet (seaweed sheets used for sushi)
• 300 ml water

Kolothsavam 2020

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Kuzhi Paniyaram

# வாக்குகள்:


1. pulse oats and yoghurt together in a blender until a batter like consistency has formed
2. mix in mustard seeds and chopped green chilli

3. spray kuzhi paniyaram pan with cooking spray or a little oil
4. spoon batter into each mould and cook until the outside appears browner
5. serve with either chutney or sambar :P


-rolled oats
-plain fat free yogurt
-mustard seeds
-green chilli (can be fresh or frozen)

Kolothsavam 2020

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Paapdi Cone & Cylinder Chat

# வாக்குகள்:


To start with, we need to make cones & cylinder as shown in the collages pic from halved pappads by dry roasting on the thava.
Mix the chopped onion,apple,grated carrot,sunflower seeds & blanched sprouts-corn with mint chutney,tamarind- honey sauce and half a spoon of chat powder in a bowl.
Take the blanched cabbage leaf and apply some mint chutney& tamarind honey sauce and place it sideways in the pappadi cone & cylinder made.

Fill the cone & cylinder with mixed vegetables that's made in the bowl.

Take the thin longitudinal slices of carrot and role it and lock with a toothpick as shown in the picture.
Fill it with blanched sprouts& corn.
Take two apple wedges faced opposite to make HEART.( AS THE SNACK IS SERVED WITH LOVE)
Arrange the filled cones & cylinder as shown in the pic.

This can be used as chat or a starter or an evening snack.


3 pappads halved
1 cup Blanched Sprouts & Sweetcorn
2 spoons of grated carrot & 6 thin longitudinal slices for garnishing
Half small red onion chopped
Half Apple chopped & other half Wedged for garnishing
4 leaves of Blanched cabbage for garnishing
1 spoon of sunflower seeds lightly dry fried
Coriander leaves chopped
Mint sauce
Tamarind & honey sauce
Chat masala

Kolothsavam 2020

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Kitchdi Burger

# வாக்குகள்:


1)Make khichdi using Dal and Rice and all veggies
2)make it's tikki and shallow fry on pan ...Tikki for our burger is ready
6)make a batter of besan and water and salt
7)make round round chila from it as burger pav
8)Now arrange layer of besan base vegeis,herbs tikki again base veggies herbs sauce and serve and enjoy this desi khichdi burger


Leftover khichdi
Gram flour
Boiled potato

Kolothsavam 2020

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Methi Aloevera Ro Saag

# வாக்குகள்:


1.Firstly Wash and peel the sides of aloe vera stem to remove the thorns. Heat water in a wok Add a pinch of turmeric powder and a little salt.Cut aloe vera into small pieces and add to the water and boil it till become soft.

2.Now Heat Ghee in a non stick Wok. Add Dry Red Chilli, Cumin seeds , Fennel seeds, onion seeds and sauté for 2 to 3 seconds.

3. Add aloe vera and Fenugreek seed and mix well. Add salt, turmeric powder and Cook it .

4. Now add soaked cashews and Raisins
red chilli powder, coriander powder, and mix it well.

5. Add 1/2 Cup water and close with lid and cook it on medium low flame for 8 to 10 minute's.

6. When it cooked and Fenugreek seeds become soft add kachri powder mix it well. Methi Aloevera Ro Saag is ready to serve.

In Rajasthan Methi Aloevera Ro Saag eat with bajra roti so I made Tart with Bajra flour and serve my Saag in Tart .

For Bajra Tart :-
Ingredients :-
1 cup Bajara flour
Salt as per taste
Luckwarm.Water as required

Method :-
1.Take a bowl add salt and kneed dough with help of water.

2. Now take a ball from dough and roll it puri size with help of rolling pin .

3. Now Greece mould with oil and place the chapati on tart. And cut the extra wadges.

4. Bake the bajra tart on preheated oven for 8 to 10 minute's for 160℃ .

5. After 10 minute's take out the bajara tart from mould and fill the Methi Aloevera saag and serve it.

6. I serve this saag with Bajara Tart , salad, curd and garlic chilli chutney 😊


1 cup Aloe vera
1 cup Fenugreek seeds (methi dana)
1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
Salt to taste
2 tbsp ghee
1/2 tsp Cumin seeds
1/2 tsp feenel seeds
1/2 tsp onion seeds (kalonji)
2 dry red Chilli
7 to 8 cashews soaked
10 to 12 raisins soaked
1 tsp Red chilli powder
1 tsp corrainder powder
1 tsp kachri powder or Dried mango powder

For Garnish

Red Chilli Garlic Chutney
Millet Tart (Bajara Tart)

Kolothsavam 2020

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Spinach Chappathi with squash bean and paneer triangles

# வாக்குகள்:


Spinach Chappathi Method
1. Blend the spinach, green chilli and ginger to a smooth paste.
2. Add the blended spinach mixture to the flour along with jeera powder, salt and oil.
3. Knead to make a smooth dough using extra water if needed.
4. Rest for 30 minutes.
5. Portion the dough into balls and roll to make flat circles.
6. Cook the chappathi on a tawa using few drops of oil if needed
7. Keep aside.

Patty Method
1. Mash the cooked squash and drain any excess water.
2. Add the cooked black beans, paneer, mixed peppers, spring onion, spices and salt ; combine well. Can add a few teaspoons of basen flour if needed for binding
3. Scoop up about half a cup of the mixed mash, shape the pattys and flatten them to about half inch thick
4. Shallow fry them for one to two minutes on each side until lightly browned

Sauce Method - Mix the yoghurt, chopped mint leaves, jeera powder and salt to combine well . Keep aside

1. Slit the chappathi from the centre to one edge
2. Depending on the size of the patty, use one or two. Place on one quarter.
3. Place few lettuce leaves and two slices of tomato in the next quarter
4. Spread the yoghurt mint sauce in the third quarter
5. Fold the quarters over each other to make a compact triangle shaped wrap

Variations :
1. Can use blended beetroot, dhal or any left over vegetables instead of spinach for the chappathi
2. Can use sweet potato or pumpkin instead of butternut squash
3. Can use chickpeas, green peas or red kidney beans instead of black beans
4. Can also use diced carrots, cabbage, beetroot, sweetcorn or beans and omit paneer/peppers
These variations will give equally good and healthy options

1. Pattys can be prepared and frozen upto a month. Defrost and shallow fry when needed
2. The Wraps can be eaten warm or cold as a lunch or picnic
3. Pattys can be served on their own with ketchup as a light snack
4. The ingredients and spices can be scaled down or omitted to make a kids friendly meal. Kids will also assembling their own triangles. Can be packed for school lunch


Spinach Chappathi ingredients
- Whole wheat flour - 1 1/2 cups
- Spinach - 1 cup
- Small green chilli - 1
- Fresh ginger - 1 small piece
- Jeera powder - 1 teaspoon
- Salt per taste
- Oil - 1 teaspoon
- Extra oil for making chappathis

Squash bean and paneer patty ingredients
- Cooked Butternut squash - 2 cups
- Cooked Black beans - 1/2 cup
- Finely chopped Paneer - 1/4 cup
- Finely diced mixed peppers - 1/4 cup
- One spring onion, finely chopped
- Chilli powder - 1 teaspoon
- Garam masala - 1/2 teaspoon
- Salt per taste
- Oil for frying patty
- Basen flour (for binding if needed)

Yoghurt mint sauce ingredients
- yoghurt- 1/4 cup
- Few mint leaves, finely chopped
- Jeera powder - 1/4 teaspoon
- Salt per taste

Kolothsavam 2020

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Desi Chatpatta Avocado Spinach Multigrain Paratha

# வாக்குகள்:


Step 1: Blend Avocado with yogurt and make a smooth paste.

Step 2: Blend spinach, flex seeds, ginger, garlic and green chilles with lemon juice and little water and make a paste.

Step 3: Mix both the pastes with multi grain flour. Add turmeric powder, red chilly powder, Mango powder, Chat Masada powder with some roasted white Seasme seeds and olive oil. Kned it into a soft dough.

Step 4: Take small parts of the dough and roll it into parathas n roast them.

Enjoy this recipe with beetroot curd.

Stay healthy .. stay safe.


1. 3 cup multigrain flour
2. 2 Avacados
3. 2 cup Spinach-
4. 1 Tbs Ginger-Garlic paste
5. 2 Tbs White Seasme seeds
6. 2 lemons (juice)
7. 2 Green chillies (chopped)
8. 2 Tbs olive oil
9. 1/2 Tbs red chilly powder
10. 1/2 Tbs turmeric powder
11. 1 Tbs Mango powder
12. 1/2 Tbs Chaat Masada
13. 1/2 cup yogurt
14. 1Tbs Flex seeds
15. Water (to need dough)

Kolothsavam 2020

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Malai Kofta made with Tofu and Sprouted Moong Dhal

# வாக்குகள்:


1. Grind moong dhal , cumin seeds and green chilli (coarsest) in a mixie or food processor
2. Mash sweet potato with fork
3. Mix all the other ingredients given in the list for kofta with grounded dhal and sweet potato except oil and corn flour and make a medium sized balls.
4. Roll the kofta balls in a cornflour
Heat oil in a pan and deep fry the koftas until golden brown.


1. Heat oil in a pan
2. Add onions and sweat until soft and translucent
3. Add tomatoes and sauté until cooked
4. Add green chilli, ginger and garlic paste, turmeric powder, chilli powder, dhaniya powder, cashew nuts and sauté until raw smell goes off and turn off the heat
5. Let the masala to cool
6. Grind the masala to a smooth paste
6.Heat butter in a pan
7. Add the ground masala paste and sauté for 2 minutes
8. Add water to adjust required consistency and let it to boil for 5 minutes
9. Add cumin powder, garam masala and fresh cream and allow to boil for 2 minutes and turn off the heat.
10. Add coriander leaves


Transfer the warm/ hot gravy in the serving dish and arrange the koftas in the gravy and garnish with corriander leaves and cream.

Kofta balls can also be served as a tasty snack on its own.


1. For Kofta
Tofu 150 grams (crumbled)
Sprouted moong dhal 150 gms
Boiled sweet potato 150 gms
Medium size carrot 1 ( grated)
Finely chopped onion 50 gms
Roughly chopped almonds 30 gms
Green chilli 2
Ginger, garlic paste 1/2 tsp
Chilli powder 1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds 1/2 tsp
Chopped coriander leaves 1 tbsp
Cornflour 2 tbsp
Oil for frying

2. For Gravy
Chopped onion 300 gms
Chopped tomatoes 250 gms
Green chilli 2
Ginger& garlic paste 1 1/2 tsp
Cashew 25 gms
Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp
Chilli powder. 2 tsp
Dhaniya powder 1 1/2 tsp
Cumin powder 1 tsp
Garam masala 3/4 tsp
Finely chopped coriander leaves 1tbsp
Fresh cream 100ml
Butter 25 gms
Oil 3 tbsp

Kolothsavam 2020

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Fenugreek Thalipeeth

# வாக்குகள்:


Name- Mrs Jyoti Apoorv Agrawal
Phone number-9823296843
Name of the dish- Methi Thalipeeth ( Fusion Food , originally a Maharashtrian dish)
Thalipeeth flour- It's a mixture of these roasted grains/ flour
Thalipeeth ingredients of flour
Rice-250 gms
Wheat-250 gms
Jowar- 250 gms
Bajra- 250 gms
Chana dal- 100 gms
Moong Dal Whole- 100 gms
Urad Dal Whole- 100 gms
Matki- 100 gms
Masoor Dal Whole- 100 gms
Black Chana- 100 gms
Ragi Seeds- 100 gms
Whole Soyabean - 100 gms
Roast the above and grind them making a rich and high nutrient flour. You can preserve it for 2 to 3 months.
Other Ingredients to be added to 2 cups of thalipeeth flour
Ginger garlic paste- 1 tsp
Coriander powder- 11/2 tsp
Finely chopped green chillies- 2
Cumin powder- 1 tsp
Onion finely chopped- 1
Finely chopped coriander leaves- Half cup
Finely chopped methi leaves- Half cup
Turmeric powder- 1/4 tsp
Carrom seeds- 1/4 tsp
Sesame seeds- 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Make a dough like chapatis with water, apply oil and let it rest for 20 minutes.
Make small rotis using banana leaves or aluminium foil using wet hands, slowly as it's a wet dough unlike atta dough. Make few holes in them so that they get cooked well. Roast them well like chapatis on a tawa with ghee untill done.
Serve it with curd, pickle, thecha or chutney.


Thalipeeth flour( Mixture of various roasted grains like jwar, bajra, ragi, grams, maize etc), fenugreek leaves, onion, corainder leaves, sesame seeds, green chili, ginger garlic paste, zeera powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, salt to taste.

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A whole day of low carb South Indian diet-Low carb peas idli,Low carb briyani and low carb yoghurt rice lunch,Low carb adai for dinner.

# வாக்குகள்:


1-Wash thoroughly and soak the green peas and whole black urad for 4 hours.
2-Grind coarsely with green chillies and ginger.Add salt to taste.
3-Let it ferment overnight.
4-Make idlis in the morning by the traditional method and serve with chutney.
Variations-To make it straightaway you can add a teaspoon eno salt to the batter.Let it effervesce and once the batter is fluffy you can make instant idlis.
You can add chopped curry leaves and coriander leaves to the batter.
You can also add finely chopped carrot,beans ,cauliflower and more fresh peas to make vegetable idlis.
Peas and urad dal are NOT fully carb territory.But the fibre from the husk of urad dal as well as the fact that there is no rice at all makes this a low carb alternative. You can also make this into dhoklas or muthiyas.

Low carb mushroom briyani-
In a pot of boiling hot water add the giant cous cous and let it simmer for 8 minutes.Add a spoon of oil to keep them separate.Once done wash in cold water and keep aside.
In a wide bottomed pan add a couple of spoons of oil .Once hot add ur mixed spices then chopped onion followed by ginger garlic paste .When the oil is spitting out on the sides add finely tomatoes with chopped green chillies,salt to taste.When the tomatoes have gone mushy add chilly powder,coriander powder ,jeera powder and fry till oil separates and also until raw smell leaves.At this point add briyani masala if using.Next step is to add a small amount of chopped mint.Saute for a few minutes and add your mushrooms and fry until mushrooms done but remain al dente.You will have more than the required amount of mushroom
So adjust quantities based on how rich you would like your briyani to be.
So in effect add 100 gms of of your cooked
cous cous. Mix well.Leave on low heat for 5 mins.Finish off with coriander.There will be some extra masala which can be eaten on its own for the very low carb dieters.

Low carb yoghurt rice recipe

In a small kadai add a small spoon of oil.Add mustard seeds.Once they crackle add urad dal,green chillies and ginger.Finally curry leaves and optional asafoetida.
Add this to the cooked cous cous.Mix well.Add salt and yoghurt to complete the dish.
My picture has yoghurt raita,Low carb cous cous yoghurt rice.Lowcarb mushroom briyani,plain mushroom gravy and aubergine gravy-Recipe not added to avoid overload.For the strict low carber or keto dieter skil the cous cous. They could just complete their meal with full fat yoghurt and mushroom gravy plus aubergines.
Cous cous is again usually carb heavy.By sticking to 200 gms of cooked cous cous I have managed to combat rice cravings with 32 gms of carbs.If you are someone who has 100 to 150 gms of carbs a day then this is well within limits.But of you are aiming for less than 50 gms then this can be one meal while others have to be really low carb like veg au gratin/paneer tikka /mushroom soups etc.
Low carb adai
Soak all the ingredients except flours and ginger.After 2 hours grind coarsely with ginger and red chillies and salt to taste.My mom always soaked the red chillies too.I usually start by adding the chillies and a small amount of soaked dals and then once ground to a paste add the rest of the dals to keep the batter coarse and ensure red chilli/ginger well ground.Mix in the floirs and adjust the amount of water. It should be a thick and coarse batter.Not smooth and watery like dosa batter.Add finely chopped washed kale leaves and onions.Again you can use grated carrots/spinach/fenugreek leaves/even grated courgettes or paneer to the batter.Make thick pancakes and cook on low heat.Flip over and serve when both sides done.Serve with butter.

Low carb is a minefield.My aim is to adapt and make healthier choices and so am improvising my recipes all .While dals/lentils are not low carb...if that is all is the carbs you are having they fill you up very well.Here we are not only avoiding rice we are bulking up with other low carb flours and also vegetables/greens.

I apolgise if my recipes dont meet the brief.Low carb diet is difficult in terms of the uncertainities and also the complexities attached.I am sharing my recipes as I am hoping it helps atleast a few.....Thanks for conducting this contest....Happy to be challenged and contacted.


Low Carb Idlis
1 /2 cup -Whole black urad
1 cup-Dried Green peas
2 green chillies
1 inch piece of ginger
Salt to taste
Oil to spread
Eno salt optional

Low Carb Briyani
1-100 gms of Cooked giant Cous Cous- roughly 1 small bowl.
2-2 medium onions
3-3 medium tomatoes
4-Mixed spices-2 bay leaves,spoon of jeera,2 cardamoms,2 small pieces of cinnamon.
4-250 gms of any mushrooms of your choice
5-Mint leaves-a small bunch
6-Oil to cook.
7-A spoon each of chilli powder/corainder powder/cumin powder.
Optional briyani masala.
Optional to add a couple of spoons of ghee at the end.

Low carb yoghurt rice
1 cup of cooked giant cous cous-Cooked as for above.
1 inch ginger chopped finely
2 green chillies chopped finely
Mustard seeds -To temper
Split urad dal to temper
Salt to taste
Curry leaves if available.
Yoghurt-250 gms -If you want low fat check the nutrtional info to ensure no starch added.

Low carb adai
1/2 cup moong dal
1/4 cup toor dal
1/4 cup chana dal
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup amaranth flour
1 medium onion
1/2 bag of kale leaves
Small piece of ginger
Salt to taste
4 to 5 red chillies as per taste
Optional asafoetida and curry leaves
Oil to cook

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Urid dal kali (உளுந்தங்களி)

# வாக்குகள்:



1) Dry roast the black 'urid dal' in low flame for 5 mins. Stop roasting when you get a nice aroma. Let it cool down. Grind the roasted 'urid dal' into a flour. Sieve it well. Add required amount of 'urid dal' flour to water. Stir until it completely dissolves in water such that it is free of lumps

2) Dissolve the palm sugar completely in water. Filter it to get rid of any impurities

3) Mix the 'urid dal' mix and palm sugar water in a heavy bottom pan. Heat this mix in medium flame and stir it with a ladle. Once this mixture starts to thicken reduce the flame and keep stirring. After switching to low flame, add small amounts of sesame oil at regular intervals. Do not add more than 2 or 3 table spoons in total. Add the grated coconut and mix it well. Pour a little oil on the top and turn off the flame

4) We can use ghee instead of sesame oil, but traditionally sesame oil is used. Coconut is optional, but adds to the flavour


1) Black urid dal:
1.a) It is high in protein
1.b) It is an excellent source of fibre, vitamin B, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, zinc

2) Palm sugar:
2.a) It is high in fibre, potassium, zinc, copper, iron, phosphorous
2.b) It has less glucose and a lower glycemic index than other sweeteners like table sugar, honey etc

3) Sesame oil:
3.a) It is high in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties
3.b) It has a balanced ratio of omega-3, omega-6 & omega-9 fatty acids

4) Coconut:
4.a) It is rich in fibre, proteins, manganese, magnesium, selenium, phosphorous, potassium, copper & iron
4.b) It contains powerful antioxidants
4.c) Some studies have shown that it has a neutral effect on cholesterol as it has high amounts of HDL & LDL


In Tamil Nadu, this is given for 45 days when girls reach puberty. It is believed to strengthen the uterus and cleanse the body. It is recommended to be taken during menstrual cycle


Black urid dal
Palm sugar (கருப்பட்டி)
Sesame oil
Coconut (grated)

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Forbidden Rice Immunity Onyx

# வாக்குகள்:


🟫 Forbidden Rice Immunity Onyx 🟫

This superfood rich dessert is jam-packed with nutritious ingredients. Made with a base of black rice and loaded with Muesli, a blend of spices, seeds and dryfruits, these bites are naturally-sweetened and make for the perfect healthy snack you can relish together any time!

1. Rinse black rice and soak in water for 6 hours or overnight.
2. Drain it, Add 3 cups water, lemon grass and turmeric leaves and pressure cook the rice (5-6 whistles)
3. Remove and let it cool at room temperature.
4. Grind it to fine consistency without adding water.
5. Add 3-4 tbsp of ghee in a pan. Add rice paste to it and stir it continuosly for 15- 20 minutes. Add grated ginger, crushed muesli, chyawanprash, gulkand, cane mollasses, flax seeds, organic jaggery powder to this mixture. Mix well
6. Add cardamom- cinnamon powder. Keep on stirring till it forms a thick gelatinous mass. Turn off the gas. Let it cool.
7. Flatten out this mixture on a greased sheet. Garnish it with seeds and apricot jullienes. Cut it into square shaped pieces and serve.


1) Black rice - 1 cup
2) Organic Jaggery Powder - 7-8 tbsps
3) Cardamom Pods – 4
4) Cinnamon Stick- 1 inch
5) Ghee - 3-4 tbsp
5) Sunflower, Pumpkin and Flax Seeds
6) Grated Ginger 1 tbsp
7) Chyawanprash - 1 tbsp
8) Gulkand- 1tbsp
9) Cane Molasses- 1/4 th cup
10) Lemon Grass
11) Turmeric Leaves
12) Crushed Muesli 1/2 cup
13) Apricots

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Triple Rice Khichdi Fiesta with Cheesy mushroom khichdi bites

# வாக்குகள்:


I always try to surprise my taste buds and give a tasty spin to my recipes. This triple rice fiesta khichdi is just that. It’s a soothing comfort food and incredibly delicious. In this recipe the 3 varieties of rice team up with moong daal, toor dal and mushrooms to make this one pot dish a protein carb powerhouse. I have used the same khichdi as a stuffing to make a cheesy mushroom appetizer 🍲Triple Rice Khichdi Fiesta with Cheesy Mushroom Khichdi Bites🧆

1) Soak Black rice for 6 hours or overnight and pressure cook it with thrice the amount of water than that of the rice. Pressure cook this rice separately in another container.
2) Soak Brown Rice for an hour. Pressure cook the brown rice, white rice, moong dal and toor dal for around 4 whistles.
3) Scoop off the stalk of the mushrooms and stir fry them in some butter, turmeric, salt and red chilli powder for around 4-5 minutes. Keep some of them aside and chop the remaining ones into thin slices.
4) In a pan, add some ghee, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, onion , tomato, spring onion leaves. Stir fry them for around 5 mins. Add the mushrooms and mix well.
5) Next add the chilli powder, garam masala. Mix well and then add the cooked black rice and the white and brown rice and the dal mixture. (Pulse the rice and dal mixture for a few seconds before adding it ) Add chopped coriander. Mix well.
6) Add the khichdi into the mushroom caps. Top it with mozzarella cheese and chilli flakes and bake them at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.
7) Plate out the khichdi and serve the cheesy mushroom khichdi bites along with it.


Black Rice-1/4th cup
White Rice- 1/4th cup
Brown Rice- 1/4th cup
Moong dal- 1/4th cup
Toor Dal- 1/4th cup
Chopped Onion- 1
Chopped Tomato- 1
Chopped Spring onion-1
Chopped Coriander
Mushrooms- 7-8
Red Chilli Powder- 2 tsp
Turmeric- ½ tsp
Mustard Seeds
Garam masala 1tsp
Cumin Seeds

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Health Bombs

# வாக்குகள்:


1. In a mixing bowl, add roasted pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and Sunflower seeds.
2. Roast the flax seeds, peanuts, cardamom, oats and dessicated coconut separately and grind them coarsely using a mixer. Add this in the bowl.
3. Chop the dates and add them in the mixing bowl along with whole raisins.
4. Melt the jaggery cubes with one cup of water and let it boil for 5 minutes.
5. Finally, pour this syrup into the bowl and mix well. Take a small amount of this mixture and shape into balls.

Tip: This can be enjoyed with a banana and/or a glass of milk for a complete power pack breakfast or a pre/post workout snack.


Flax seeds - 250g
Roasted peanuts - 200g
Pitted dates - 100g
Oats - 100g
Raisins - 50g
Pumpkin seeds - 100g
Sunflower seeds - 100g
Sesame seeds - 50g
Dessicated coconut - 50g
Cardamom - 10
Jaggery - 300g

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Ragi-Rose Delight

# வாக்குகள்:


This is traditional millet delight served as Dessert during harvest time.
To start with we need to prepare Raagi & Rose milk.
In a pan, take the raagi milk grinded and on a low flame with continuously stirring bring to boil .
Allow it to cool.Add cardamom powder and gulkand.
In another pan, take two bowls of water and add half spoon ghee.
Bring it to boil and add ragi powder.
Allow it to cook for about 10 mins on high flame and then stir slowly cornering against the sides of the pan from wooden spatula ( flipper) so that it forms a smooth dough.
On a wooden slab roll the dough as shown in collab picture.
Then take murruku maker n place a noodle maker plate.
Apply ghee on inside and add the dough and make noodles as shown in the pic on a wet cloth.
In same dough ,Apply the dough on a plate upside down to form a thin film.allow it to cool.
Slice it longitudinally and shape it similar to Khandvi( Gujarathi snack)

On the serving plate,Serve the noodles and Raagi rolls as shown I'm the pic.Pour the Ragi- Rose milk and garnish with Almond halves and Dried rose petals and Gulkand.



1 bowl Ragi flour( Finger Millet)
1 bowl Ragi milk( Extracted by grinding 4 spoons of soaked raagi for 8 hrs and coarsely grinded)
Half spoon ghee
3 spoons of Rose Gulkand
Dried Red rose petals & Almond halves for garnishing
A pinch of cardamom powder.

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Ragi Murungai Keerai Kuzhipaniyaram (iron rich food)

# வாக்குகள்:


Batter Preparation:

* Wash and Soak ragi , urad dal, fenugreek seeds overnight separately.
* Put soaked ingredients in a grinder, grind to smooth batter.
* Transfer batter to a bowl, add sea salt, mix well and allow it for fermentation ( 8 hours aprx).


* Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan, add mustard seeds, let it splutter then add chana dal, urad dal fry till light brown.
* Add asafoetida, small onion, ginger, green chilli, curry leaves and Murungai keerai sauté
* Add coriander leaves, cut off heat
* In a bowl add ragi idli batter, seasoned ingredients mix well.
* Heat iron paniyaram tawa, pour 1 tbsp of oil around the paniyaram cavities.
* Pour batter, cover lid cook both sides till crisp & Golden brown.
* Then serve hot with coconut chutney, tomato chutney and coriander chutney.


For kuzhipaniyaram batter :
* Ragi - 2 cups
* Urad dal - ½ cup
* Fenugreek seeds - 1 tbsp
* Salt to taste
* Water as required

Ingredients :

* Murungai keerai- 1 bowl
* Small Onion - 10 finely chopped
* Ginger- 1 tbsp
* Green chilli - 1 tbsp
* Roasted peanut - 2 tbsp
* Mustard seeds - 1 tbsp
* chana dal - 1 tbsp
* Urad dal - 1 tbsp
* Curry leaves - 2 springs
* Coriander leaves - 2 springs
* Asafoetida-1/2 tsp

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Baked Hara Bhara Mango Salsa Cups

# வாக்குகள்:


I made a TWIST in all time favourite recipe of mine that is Hara bhara kebabs .. I made it very innovative with seasonal fruit twist. In this recipe instead of deep frying or pan frying the kebabs , I baked it to give a healthy twist and I gave the shape of a cup to my hara bhara kebabs and in these cups I filled the freshly prepared mango salsa.. so it’s just an awesome recipe with a healthy twist of veggies and fruits.. the outcome is superbly tempting, tangy and rich taste..

1) Add spinach, capsicum, beans in a mixer grinder with little salt and grind to a smooth paste.
2) Now transfer this grinded healthy paste into a bowl and add mashed potatoes.
3) Then add cornflour, breadcrumbs, Paneer in it and mix well.
4) Now add chopped coriander leaves and add all spices and seasonings and mix it well.
5) Now Apply little oil on both palms and form small balls.
6) Now take silicone moulds and put this balls in the moulds by pressing generously covering the mould to form a cup .
7) Bake this Hara bhara cups for 20 minutes at 200 c
😎 After 20 minutes check it if it’s done, perfectly baked, let it cool down and demould it After 5 minutes.
9) Now Hara bhara cups r ready to be filled with Mango salsa...

Recipe for mango salsa

In a serving bowl, combine mango, bell pepper, cucumber, mint and olives.Drizzle with salt, cumin powder, black pepper powder and lime juice, mix well. For best flavor, let the salsa rest for about 10 minutes.

Finally take our healthy hara bhara cups and fill it with Mango salsa and garnish with mint leaves

Enjoy this #HaraBharaMangoSalsaCups endlessly..


Ingredients for Hara bhara cups

1/2 cup boiled spinach
1/2 cup chopped capsicum
1/2 cup chopped beans
1 1/2 cup boiled and mashed potatoes
1/2 cup grated paneer
2 tbsp bread crumbs
1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
1 tbsp cornflour
1 tsp coriander powder
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp garam masala
1 tsp red chilli powder
1 tsp dry mango powder
Salt to taste

Ingredients for mango salsa

1 ripe mango (peeled and cut into small cubes)
1/4 cup red bell pepper (cut into small cubes)
1/4 cup yellow bell pepper ( cut into small cubes)
1/2 cup cucumber (peeled and cut into small pieces)
1 Tbsp black olives
1 green chilli finally chopped
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
1 tsp lime juice
1/4 tsp cumin seed powder
1/4 tsp salt (adjust to taste)
1/4 tsp black pepper powder

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Mustard Spinach Banana OatsTikki

# வாக்குகள்:


It’s a very healthy and innovative recipe where instead of potatoes I used raw bananas .Spinach a Treasure house of vitamins and minerals, must be included in the week's menu..and oats a very good source of dietary fibres and proteins and paneer rich in calcium.. so here comes my very healthy savoury snacks recipe.. hope u all luv it..


Step 1

Blanched mustard and spinach leaves and after removing water blended in a mixer grinder to a fine purée or paste and put into a bowl.

Step 2

Break 2 bread slices and crumble in the chopper

Step 3

Add the grated raw banana into the bowl with spinach and mix.

Step 4

Add rolled oats and paneer and mix everything well.

Step 5

Add salt, chaat masala, cumin powder and breadcrumbs and mix with hand.

Step 6

Heat olive oil in a non-stick pan. Shape the mixture into small round tikkies.

Step 7

Place a small cutter over 3 bread slices and cut small rounds.

Step 8

Place the tikki on one side of the pan and shallow-fry. On the other side of the pan place the bread roundels and toast.

Step 9

Cut lettuce leaves into small squares. Halve cherry tomatoes.

Step 10

Switch off the heat from under the pan. Line up the bread roundels on the table top. Place a drop of plums chutney on each and top it with a piece of lettuce.

Step 11

Place a tikki over the lettuce square.

Step 12

Cut cheese into small squares and place a square on each tikki. Place a tomato piece on top and pierce a toothpick through all the layers.

Step 13

Arrange the tikkis on a serving plate and serve by garnish with mint leaves and sauce.

Enjoy endlessly


Mustard and Spinach blanched 20 leaves ( slightly bigger in size)

Rolled oats 1/2 cup

Paneer grated 1/2 cup

Brown Bread Slices 5

Raw banana 1 grated

2 tsp of bread crumbs

Cumin powder 1 teaspoon

chaat masala 1/2 tsp

Salt 1 tsp

Olive oil 2 tbsp

A few lettuce leaves

tomatoes 5

Homemade plum chutney as required

Cheese slices 2-3

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Healthy Beetroot tomato dhokla with mixed seeds hung curd icing ( healthy red savoury hearts)

# வாக்குகள்:



1)Pressure cook beet root and tomato by adding little amount of water and allow 2 whistles to blow.
2)Now in the meanwhile mix curd, semolina well and allow it to stay for 15 minutes .
3)After 15 minutes sooji will become spongy and fluffy by absorbing all curd ... fully moist.
4)Now make a purée of tomato and beet root in a mixer grinder.
5)In the batter of sooji curd already prepared we will add this purée and mix it well by adding salt and ginger chilli paste.
6)Adjust the consistency by adding beet root water.
7) Now preheat our steamer by adding little water at bottom and placing a stand .
😎 Now Mix Eno And Mix the batter well .. it will ferment immediately and not wasting much time immediately
9) pour this batter into greased heart shaped silicone moulds and steam it for 20 minutes.
10) check with the help of a tooth pick.
11)Then allow it to cool down for 5 minutes and demould it .
12)Then apply hung curd mixed with healthy seeds powder on top of every healthy heart ( hung curd prepared by hanging 1/2 bowl curd in muslin cloth for 1-2 hours)
13) Finally prepare the tempering by taking little oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds or rye to crackle, add sesame seeds and some curry leaves and green chilli and sauté it for a while. Pour this tempering over icing.
Yummylicious healthy savoury hearts r ready to be served with green chutney or tomato ketchup....
Enjoy endlessly...


1 cup semolina or sooji
1/2 cup curd
1 1/2 beetroot
1 tomato
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ginger chilli paste or chopped
Some beet root water for preparation of batter to adjust consistency
1 tsp Eno ( regular fruit salt)

2 tbsp Hung curd for icing
1 tsp of mixed healthy seeds roasted and grinded to a powder ( pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, melon seeds, sesame seeds , sunflower seeds)

For tempering
1 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp sesame seeds
2-3 green chilli
1/2 tsp oil
5-6 curry leaves

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Veg Platter ( Brussel sprouts 65, broccoli 65, grilled toffu and sweet potato cutlet)

# வாக்குகள்:


A. Grilled Tofu

1. Cut the Tofu into medium sized cubes
2. Marinate Tofu with all the ingredients listed in the A and Keep it in the fridge leave for minimum 1 hour
3 Tofu could be cooked in two different way
a.1. Heat the pan with 2 tbsp of oil
a.2 Place the marinated tofu in the pan and cook each side until it turns soft and slightly brown in a medium flame.
b.1 Preheat the oven at 160' C
b.2. Place the marinated tofu in a foil baking tray, spray little oil on it and cook for 15 to 20 minutes turning once

2. Sweet potato cutlet

1. Mash sweet potato with fork in a bowl
2. Crush peanuts into small pieces
3. Mix well all the ingredients given in the list B with sweet potato except corn flour and bread crumps
4. Make the above mix into small round shaped cutlets
5. Make thin batter with cornflour and water
6. Spread the bread crumps in a plate
7. Dip the cutlets in cornflour batter one by one and roll it in the bread crumps
8. Heat the oil in the pan and shallow fry the cutlets

3. Broccoli and Brussel sprouts 65

1. Cut the Broccoli into small florets
2. Marinate the broccoli and brussel sprouts with all the ingredients given in the list C except the flours and keep it for 30 minutes
3. Mix all the flours and add it to the marinated vegetables
4. Sprinkle little water to adjust the consistency ( Don't add water if you are planning to cook it in a oven) and leave it for 15 minutes
5. Heat oil in a pan and deep fry the vegetables until golden brown. Alternatively, preheat the oven at 170'C. Place the vegetables in a greased baking tray and spay oil on it. Cook the vegetables 20 to 25 minutes until it turns golden brown.

In a large serving tray arrange both the veg 65's , cutlets and tofu with Zucchini
and sliced onions and enjoy your platter


A. For grilled Tofu

Tofu 250 gms
Chilli powder 2 tsp
Cumin powder 1/2 t sp
Pepper powder 1/2 tsp
Garam masala 1/4 tsp
Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp
Dhaniya powder 1 tsp
Ginger garlic paste 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Curd 1 1/2 tbsp
Lemon Juice 1tsp
oil 1 tbsp

B. For sweet potato cutlet

Sweet potato boiled 300 gms
Finely chopped Brussel sprouts 25 gms
Finely chopped Broccoli 25 gms
Finely chopped spring onions 25 gms
Roasted peanuts 50 gms
Cumin powder 1/2 tsp
Chilli powder 3/4 tsp
Finely chopped coriander leaves 1 tbsp
Salt to taste
Corn flour 2 tbsp
Bread crumps 100gms

C. For Broccoli and Brussel sprouts 65

Brussel halved sprouts 150 gms
Broccoli 150gms
Chilli powder 3 tsp
Cumin powder 1tsp
Pepper powder 1 tsp
Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
Garam masala powder 1/2 tsp
Curd 2 tbsp
Lemon juice 2 tsp
Ginger garlic paste 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Corn flour 4 tbsp
Gram flour 3 tbsp
Rice flour 3 tbsp

4. For Decoration

Lengthwise thinly sliced Zuccini 2 pieces
Thinly sliced onions

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