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Mythili Ganeshan

Golu Photo 3
Golu Photo 3
Golu Photo 3


# Votes:


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I'm delighted to invite you to a special virtual tour of my personal Golu display, featuring a unique Shanmata theme. Golu is more than just art; it's a tribute to our diverse culture and spirituality.

Today, I'll take you through my home, where I've lovingly arranged six steps, each devoted to one of the six paths of worship within the Shanmata tradition. We'll explore the significance and stories behind each deity and tradition, from Lord Shiva and the Divine Mother Shakti to Lord Vishnu, Lord Ganesha, Surya, and Lord Kumara.

Every doll, figurine, and decoration was chosen with care, reflecting the beauty of unity in diversity within Hinduism.

I hope this glimpse into my Golu brings you joy and inspiration. Feel free to share your thoughts as we embark on this enchanting journey together.

Video Link
Photos Link
Golu Photo 3
Golu Photo 3
Golu Photo 3
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