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Lakshmi Chittory

Golu Photo 3
Golu Photo 3
Golu Photo 3


# Votes:


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I am submitting my mom Golu Video and Pictures. She has been celebrating Golu for the past seven years and that she added some new and unique elements to her display this year. Golu is a beautiful and traditional South Indian display of dolls and figurines, and it's a delightful way to celebrate festivals like Navaratri.

Including elements like Nava Durga, a representation of unity between different religions, a grocery store, and a zoo in the Golu display shows creativity and a commitment to making the celebration even more special. It's a reflection of the artistry and thought that goes into creating a Golu display. I'm sure her efforts are appreciated by all those who get to see her Golu.

Video Link
Photos Link
Golu Photo 3
Golu Photo 3
Golu Photo 3
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