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Chella Nathan - United Kingdom

Entry No: 


ABC squares

My Avocado Banana Chocolate (ABC)squares have won many “ you are the best cook in the world amma” award from my children. An experimental hit that often gets baked in my household because we are a chocolate loving family. With no refined flour or butter or white sugar or oil this recipe is one of the healthiest dessert indulgence. The cakey outside and fudgy insides with caramelly undertones from the jaggery makes it quiet a treat.

For substitutions, tips and storage instructions see below recipe


1. Preheat the oven to 180c in a conventional oven. Grease a 8’*8’ inch tray with oil and flour or line it with parchment paper and set aside.
2. Combine the room temperature milk with vinegar to make buttermilk. Set aside for 10 minutes before you use it.
3. In a clean dry bowl combine the flour, soda, cocoa powder and salt using a whisk.
4. Now combine the fruit purees with buttermilk, maple syrup and jaggery. Combine well until u get a smooth homogeneous mixture.
5. Combine the wet and dry ingredients using a whisk and immediately transfer the contents into the greased tray.
6. Pop the tray into the pre heated oven and bake it for 20-25 minutes or until the inserted skewer comes out clean.
7. Place the tray on a cooling rack and let it cool.
8. Once cooled cut into squares and serve.

Substitutions and tips
1. Spelt flour can be substituted with wholemeal wheat flour.
2. Any vinegar in hand can be used to make the buttermilk.
3. Any type of jaggery or raw sugar can be substituted for jaggery.
4.Adding more fruit puree will not give good results. So only add the specified amount.
5. Salt is added to bring out the sweetness and can be omitted completely if preferred.

Storage instructions:
These squares store well up to 5 days in fridge and for one month in freezer. Thaw it completely before serving, ideally a 15 second in the microwave will yield great results.


Wholemeal spelt flour: 1 cup + 2tbls loosely packed
100% pure cocoa powder( unsweetened): 1/3 cup
Baking soda: 1tsp
Banana puree: 1/4 cup
Avocado puree: 1/2 cup
Buttermilk: 1 cup milk+ 1. Tbls raw apple cider vinegar
Jaggery: 1/2 cup loosely packed
Maple syrup: 2 tbls
Salt: tiny pinch

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Golu Photo 3

Entry No: 


The Healthy-Healing meal combo

The healthy eating DNA passed down from my mother has been my usp forever. This meal is a combination of a healing sweet golden milk recipe passed down from the mother dear and a healthy besan-paneer wrap which is my newest adventure. The golden milk was always a part of my growing up years, a recipe itched in my brain. My mother constantly reminded the concept of food itself being the medicine and how each and every ingredient in this milk plays its part in taking care of our body. Now that I am a mother myself I still lookup to this milk for my kid’s nourishment.
The main meal is a wrap, a healthy tandoori besan-paneer wrap to be precise. For a malai paneer junkie and a tofu hater this besan paneer is the middle point of solace. Ever since its discovery thanks to Radhi there is no turning back. A gluten free jowar wrap, yogurt sauce and some fresh veggies are all that you need to make this healthy but party vibes meal. The spicy wrap paired with the sweet milk has been one of our family dinner favourites this quarantine season.
The recipe is quiet lengthy but worth a try if you are in for a treat.
Please see the end for substitutions and other options.

Step 1: Tandoori besan- paneer

1. Take a rectangular dish and grease it with few drops of oil and set aside.
2. Into a wide cooking pan add the besan, water, starch and salt. Now mix them throughly using a whisk until the batter is smooth without any lumps.
3. Now switch on the stove and place the pot on heat. Cook the mixture by constantly whisking in a medium to low flame for about 8-10 minutes. You will start to notice the mixture becomes thick and starts to leave the sides of the pan . Now switch off the flame.
4. Immediately transfer the contents into the rectangular dish and smooth the top with a rubber spatula and let it cool.
5. After 20 minutes u can turn the contents of the dish onto a plate. Now the mixture should resemble a yellow block that holds shape and is firm. Now cut them into small cubes. This is our paneer.
6. When the paneer is cooling preheat the oven to 200c. Line the baking tray with parchment paper and set aside.
7. Place the contents listed under marinade into a big bowl and mix to make a paste. You can adjust the amount of ingredients based on your liking.
8. Now add the cut besan paneer into the marinade and mix together until all the pieces are fully coated. Give it 10 -15 mins to soak in the flavours and then place the pieces on the baking tray and bake for 20 mins until golden brown.

Step 2: Jowar roti /wrap

1. Jowar is a gluten free flour and hence cannot be easily made into rotis like wheat flour. So boil 2 cups of water and add 1/2 tsp salt to it.
2. Once the water starts to bubble switch off the flame and immediately add the flour into the pot. Using a spatula give a good mix and close the pot with a lid.
3. Wait until the dough is warm to touch. Now remove it from the pot and knead it well to form a nice smooth dough. Make balls from the dough and keep the dough covered at all time.
4. Now make rotis using a rolling pin. Use generous amount of jower flour and never let the dough stick onto the rolling surface.
5. Place the rolled rotis on a hot tawa and cook in medium flame on both sides.
6. Wrap the warm rotis in a towel so they stay soft for long.

Step 3. Make green sauce
1. Add all the ingredients under the green yogurt sauce list except yogurt into a small mixer jar and grind till you get a smooth paste.
2. Transfer the contents into a bowl. Now add the yogurt and check for salt.

Step 4: Make golden milk
1. Crush the coriander seeds, fennel seeds and pepper cons into small pieces using a mortar and pestle. Now add this mixture into a pot along with turmeric powder and dry ginger powder.
2. Pour the milk into the pot and give it a mix.
3. Switch on the flame and let the mixture boil. Now you can add palm candy and the amount is based on your liking. Switch of the flame and set aside to cool.
4. Before serving use a sieve to remove the pieces of spices.

Step 5 : Assembling the wrap
1. Place the jowar roti on a plate. Not add the thinly sliced veggies from the middle till the upper end of the roti.
2. Place the tandoori paneer cubes next to the veggies in a line. Drizzle the yogurt sauce over the vegetable and paneer. Sprinkle some chat masala on top if you prefer to.
3. Now fold the bottom part of the roti onto the mixture and roll the roti from the side to form a roll enclosed at one end.
4. Enjoy the wrap with some sweet golden milk.

1. If you don't have tapioca starch substitute it with corn flour but use half the quantity mentioned.
2. Make the wrap completely vegan by substituting the yogurt for cashew or other plant based yogurt.
3. If using plant based milk for the golden milk, add 1/2 cup of water to the dry mix and boil to make a concoction and then add the milk.
4. Palm candy can be substitute with palm jaggery or sugar cane jaggery but should not be added to hot milk as it will curdle the milk.
5. If you cannot find jowar flour feel free to use regular wheat flour.
6. Feel free to add or reduce the amount of spices based on you palate same goes to the veggies added in the wrap.
7. You can skip the sweet factor entirely if you wish to.


1. Vegan besan paneer
Besan/ chickpeas flour: 1 cup
Water: 2 cups
Tapioca starch: 1 tbls
Salt: 1tsp

2. Tandoori marinade:
Kashmiri chilli powder: 1/2tbls to 1tbls
Cumin powder: 1 1/2 tsp
Ginger-garlic paste: 1 tbls
Garam masala: 1tsp
Dried fenugreek leaves( kasuri methi) : 1/2 tsp
Oil: 1tbls
Yougurt: 1/4 cup
Juice of 1/2 lemon

3. Gluten free jowar rotis:
Jowar/ sorgham flour: 2 cups
Water : 2 cups

4. Green yogurt sauce:
Coriander leaves: 1 handful
Mint leaves : 1 handful
Green chillies: 1-2 nos
Ginger:1/4 inch
Cumin seed powder:1/4 tsp
Yogurt: 4 tbls

5.For the stuffing:
Carrot :1 cut into strips
Cucumber: 1/2 cut into strips
Green capsicum:1/2 cut into strips
Big onion : 1 cut into strips
Chat masala

6. Golden milk
Milk: 450ml
Turmeric powder: 1/2 tsp
Dry ginger powder: 1/4 tsp
Coriander seeds: 1tsp
Peppercons: 1/2 tsp
Fennel seeds: 1tsp
Palm candy

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