Tanjore Reverse Glass Painting
Tanjore Reverse glass painting is done on the reverse side of the printed glass to bring the effect of tanjore painting. Unlike Tanjore painting, the reverse glass painting uses metallic paints and techniques on glass to resemble Tanjore Painting. This is well suited for beginners and easy to complete.
What will you learn?
Introduction and list of supplies required for the painting.
Techniques and steps involved in making Tanjore reverse glass painting.
How to bring the stone effect on glass.
How to paint gold using various techniques on reverse side of the glass in Tanjore painting style.
Colouring and shading techniques on glass.
How to paint skin colour on glass.
Framing and displaying tips to enhance your painting.
Fees: £50 (includes materials for both online and direct classes)
INR 3000 (Materials additional)
To enrol, drop us an email or message us in facebook and we'll help you get started!
Email: sapthavarnacreations.sg@gmail.com