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Mahalakshmi Swaminathan

# Votes:
Entry No:
We have been keeping golu for more than 25 years. Every year we plan a theme which helps the younger generation to understand our stories and the moral values that they bring in.
Theme- Emotional symphony
Happy Navarathri, Our theme this year is based on Raagas...Emotions and Raagas. We have shown a story for each emotion and the raaga which suits the emotion.
Bhakti - Bhakta prahlad story - Kedaragowlai,Hamsanadham
Joy - Rama returning to Ayodhya and Coronation-Mohanakalyani
Fear- Raja parikshit- kanakangi
Romance- Krishnaleela-Madhuvanthi
Compassion-Abiramapattar story - Sahana
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