Rathik Sagesh

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Dolls in various forms and sizes take centre stage in many Hindu households for nine nights and 10 days my collection has expanded from clay dolls to “Bommais” from Kanchipuram , Cuddalore and Madras to a few Bengali dolls and some that I purchased off the streets in kanyakumari. I have a theme dedicated to Krishna which has glimpses of his life – Vasudeva carrying the baby Krishna secretly in storm under the protection of Adiseshan, the child Krishna dancing on the snake Kalingan, relishing butter with foster mother Yashoda , dancing with Gopikas. There is also Krishna as Parthasarthy , the charioteer of Arjuna in the Mahabharat war. We also kept village theme and kailash mountain The nine days are usually filled with visitors who come home , eat variety of food ,sang songs, comment on the collection and go home . We had given return gift to all the devoties who visited our golu .
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