Navarathri is celebrated throughout India and the Indian homes are filled with light, music and food. Golu is the south Indian way of celebrating Navrathri with the display of dolls and figurines. These displays are typically thematic, narrating a legend from a Hindu text or a cultural theme. Visitors are greeted with gleaming dolls, colourful Rangoli, traditionally dressed women and devotional singing.
It is a festive occasion where everyone has a role to play from the young children to the grandparents.
Sapthavarna Creations ONLINE GOLU CONTEST 2020 in association with Slough Tamil Sangamam POWERED BY British Indian Tamil Radio welcomes you all to participate in our Radio Interview and Zoom Live. Share your thoughts, stories, Interesting facts about Golu in British Indian Tamil Radio and/or showcase your Golu and your Talent in our LIVE!
Don't forget to Join our CONTEST and showcase your golu across the globe!
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Winner and Runner outside UK
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Video Live of Golu
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